Schools today also profit from the possibilities that a learning management system (LMS) can open up for them when it comes to supporting their teaching. ILIAS and the ILIAS Society have been supporting this development for many years now.

More and more schools are discovering the advantages of having ILIAS to supplement and expand their teaching.

The Elly-Heuss-Knapp School in Neumünster (Germany) for example, uses ILIAS as an integral part of their vocational training course to become a certified care assistant. The traditional 'work placement report' part of the vocational training has been replaced with the Exercise Tool – during their work placement, students receive prompt feedback on the tasks they are given to carry out, enabling them to practice and improve on these tasks whilst still at the work placement (rather than receiving feedback later, when they are no longer immersed in the working environment).

The Alfred-Müller-Armack Vocational College in Köln has been using the open-source LMS for many years now. Especially effective has been the combination of classic classroom-based teaching with self-learning phases in ILIAS – so-called 'blended learning'. Jens Behrens, coordinator for new media and e-learning on blended learning: “With blended learning, it is possible to make the specific potentials of both forms of learning ideally useable for the students.'

Content rather than technology

In order to incorporate the specific requirements that schools have of a learning platform more strongly into the development of ILIAS, the ILIAS Society has launched 'Projekt SchuLIAS'. This gives schools the opportunity to have ILIAS hosted for them, free of charge, by the ILIAS Society as part of a discounted schools membership. You always get automatic access to the very latest version of ILIAS. Concentrate on content rather than the hassles of administrating your own server.

Data protection

In contrast to Facebook and co, ILIAS is advertisement-free and can easily be used so that it is fully conform with European data protection laws.


ILIAS is already successfully used by many schools that have organised themselves into the Special Interest Group ILIAS@Schule. They support each other by sharing the experiences and by jointly working on the conception of new features.


The use of ILIAS is and will remain free of charge. Since 2018, becoming a member of the community has also been especially affordable for schools. Become a member of the ILIAS Society for the reduced fee of €300 and profit from the strong network that makes ILIAS unique in the LMS market.

ILIAS features that are important for schools

The requirements made of a learning management system vary greatly depending on the what it is being used for. With ILIAS you have a tried and trusted system, with all important features already integrated. You can, however, decide to limit or even completely deactivate the features of your choice, depending on your actual requirements. ILIAS makes everything possible, without overwhelming you. Among our most popular features for school use:

Course management
One tool, many possibilities: Design flexible courses, specify set times or offer learning-objective-oriented courses. Include a whole variety of different materials, tools and tests.
Communication tools

On-screen chats, forums, blogs, who-is-online?, mail and more: Using ILIAS's built-in tools, you enable effective communication between your students, teachers and your platform's technical administration.

Rapid file-sharing
Upload your files to ILIAS using drag&drop and update these when changes need to be made. Automatically inform students of new versions.
Allow you students to submit their homework, reports and suchlike as 'Exercises'. Correct these yourself or allow your students to correct each other's work using peer-feedback.