• Learning Management System
    The Open Source
  • Universities, Enterprise, Schools and Public Authorities
    Start using ILIAS today!
    The Open Source LMS for
  • Participate in and benefit from
    The ILIAS Community


13. February, 14:00

SIG NIP Austausch

- Aktueller Stand Verfügbarkeit Plugins ILIAS 9
- Verfügbarkeit Spalte ILIAS 10
- Liste von Plugins die nicht in SIG gepflegt werden
- Testcases für Plugin, z.B. TestarchiveCreator
- Update von Plugins auf ILIAS 10. Gibt es erste Plugins, die den Sprung gemacht haben?
- Ziel: Abschätzung des Aufwands für das Update auf ILIAS 10
- Platz für eure Themen (...)
docu.ilias.de/go/xmvc/14284Show in Google map
21. February, 10:00

SIG Portfolio & Contentmanagement

24. February, 13:30

SIG Barrierefreiheit, Kleingruppe Feature List

conf.dfn.de/webapp/m/97984527Show in Google map
12. March, 10:00

Beiratssitzung mit Wahlen und Beirats-Budget-Vergabe

virtuellShow in Google map
13. March,

Treffen SIG Mathe DIGITAL in Karlsruhe

Hochschule Karlsruhe,
Moltkestr. 30,
76131 Karlsruhe,
Gebäude K,
Show in Google map
18. March, 13:00

SIG OER: Treffen im 1. Quartal 2025 (virtuell)

26. March, 10:00

1. Treffen der ILIAS NRW Community in 2025

HSPV NRW | Studienort Duisburg | Wuhanstraße 10 | 47051 DuisburgShow in Google map
27. March, 10:00

43rd ILIAS Development Conference

Hochschule für Polizei und Verwaltung NRW, Wuhanstraße 10, 47051 DuisburgShow in Google map
28. March, 10:00

ILIAS-Mitgliederversammlung 2025 | General Meeting of Members 2025

Hochschule für Polizei und Verwaltung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Wuhanstraße 10, 47051 Duisburg Show in Google map
7. April, 14:00

Jour fixe SIG CampusConnect



  • ILIAS for Higher Education: ILIAS came into being and evolved at the University of Cologne in Germany. It is fair to say that flexible and modern e-learning for higher education is part of our DNA.
  • ILIAS for Businesses: Open source for business? Cost-efficient and effective. Don't waste your money on expensive experiments. Instead, profit from the opportunities that ILIAS has to offer.
  • ILIAS for Schools: Even on a small budget and without their own server, schools can use ILIAS and also share their experiences with other schools in the ILIAS Society.
  • ILIAS for Public Authorities: For many years now, ILIAS has already been successfully used for on-boarding, training and continuing education - often in cases with complex requirements. And all of this securely and conform with data-protection regulations.


Download the latest version of ILIAS and try it out on your own server!

Download ILIAS

ILIAS is free open-source software and is published under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

| Information on installing ILIAS


The ILIAS open source e-Learning e.V - 'ILIAS Society' - is the home of ILIAS and the heart of the ILIAS community. Its members ensure the sustainability of ILIAS and have a say in its further development. The ILIAS Society is a non-profit organisation intent on maintaining the independence and transparency of the development of the software, so that also in the future, ILIAS will remain a modern, flexible, license-fee-free LMS for all your e-learning scenarios.

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